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Noun earthball has 1 sense
  1. earthball, false truffle, puffball, hard-skinned puffball - any of various fungi of the genus Scleroderma having hard-skinned subterranean fruiting bodies resembling truffles
    --1 is a kind of fungus
    --1 is a member of Scleroderma, genus Scleroderma
    --1 has particulars:
     Scleroderma citrinum, Scleroderma aurantium; Scleroderma flavidium, star earthball; Scleroderma bovista, smooth earthball
earth s surface earth s tilt earth science earth scientist earth sheltered dwelling earth tremor earth up earth wax earthball earthborn earthbound earthe earthen earthen pot earthenware earthenware jar earthiness

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