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Definitions from WordNet

Noun dweeb has 1 sense
  1. swot, grind, nerd, wonk, dweeb - an insignificant student who is ridiculed as being affected or studying excessively
    --1 is a kind of learner, scholar, assimilator

Definitions from the Web



- A person who is socially awkward, geeky, or overly studious.

Example Sentence: Sarah is such a dweeb, always buried in her books and never talking to anyone.

- A weak or insignificant person; a wimp.

Example Sentence: Don't be a dweeb and stand up for yourself!


- Describing someone or something that is socially awkward or geeky.

Example Sentence: Mark's dweebish behavior made it hard for him to fit in with his classmates.

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