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Definitions from WordNet

Noun durmast has 1 sense
  1. durmast, Quercus petraea, Quercus sessiliflora - deciduous European oak valued for its tough elastic wood
    --1 is a kind of white oak

Definitions from the Web


Definition: Durmast refers to a species of oak tree, scientifically known as Quercus petraea, that is native to Europe and parts of Asia. It belongs to the Fagaceae family and is often valued for its durable and sturdy wood.


  1. The furniture was crafted from durmast, which made it both elegant and long-lasting.
  2. The durmast tree is known for its ability to withstand harsh weather conditions.
  3. Woodworkers often prefer durmast for outdoor structures due to its resistance to rot and decay.

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