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Definition: The term "duomo" refers to a large cathedral, typically located at the main religious center of a city in Italy.


Sense 1: The principal church of a city or town.

Example sentence: The Florence Duomo, also known as the Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore, is an architectural marvel.

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Sense 2: A prominent architectural feature resembling a dome, such as in a cathedral or other historic building.

Example sentence: The duomo of the St. Peter's Basilica in Rome is an iconic symbol of the city.

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Sense 1: Relating to or characteristic of a duomo.

Example sentence: The intricate duomo architecture in Milan attracts thousands of tourists.

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Sense 2: Popular or well-known within a particular locality.

Example sentence: The local artisan whose artwork is displayed in the duomo square is highly regarded by the community.

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