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Noun dunker has 3 senses
  1. dunker - an eater who dips food into a liquid before eating it; "he was a dunker--he couldn't eat a doughnut without a cup of coffee to dunk it in"
    --1 is a kind of
    eater, feeder
  2. dunker - a basketball player who is able to make dunk shots
    --2 is a kind of
    basketball player, basketeer, cager
  3. Dunker, Dunkard, Tunker - an adherent of Baptistic doctrines (who practice baptism by immersion)
    --3 is a kind of Baptist; Church of the Brethren, Dunkers, Dippers
dunghill dunham dunion duniya dunk dunk shot dunkard dunked dunker dunkerque dunkers dunket dunkin dunking dunkirk dunlin dunlop

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