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A druglord refers to a powerful individual who controls and operates an illegal drug empire. They are often involved in the production, distribution, and sale of illicit drugs, exerting influence through violence and corruption.


Sense 1:

Noun - A person who is at the top of a highly organized criminal network involved in the production and trafficking of illegal drugs.

Example sentence:

"The notorious druglord was finally apprehended by the authorities after years of evading capture."

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Sense 2:

Noun - An infamous and influential individual known for their involvement in the drug trade.

Example sentence:

"Pablo Escobar is considered one of the most notorious druglords in history."

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Sense 3:

Noun - A fictional character representing a powerful figure involved in illegal drug trafficking in movies, books, or other media.

Example sentence:

"Tony Montana, portrayed by Al Pacino in the movie Scarface, is an iconic druglord character."

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Sense 4:

Noun - A person who commands a local drug trade network in a specific area or region.

Example sentence:

"The druglord of the neighborhood controlled the street corners and employed numerous street-level dealers."

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Sense 5:

Noun - A derogatory term used to describe someone who appears to have an excessive interest in or reliance on prescription medication.

Example sentence:

"Don't be such a druglord, always popping pills without a prescription."

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