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Definitions from WordNet

Noun drooler has 1 sense
  1. dribbler, driveller, slobberer, drooler - a person who dribbles; "that baby is a dribbler; he needs a bib"
    --1 is a kind of person, individual, someone, somebody, mortal, human, soul
    Derived form: verb drool2

Definitions from the Web



A drooler refers to a person or animal who involuntarily spills or dribbles saliva from their mouth, often due to excessive salivation or lack of muscle control. It can also be used figuratively to describe someone who expresses excessive enthusiasm or admiration.


Noun - Person who drools:

1. The baby was a notorious drooler, and his bib was always soaked with saliva.

2. The drooler in the front row seemed completely unaware of the mess he was making during the movie.

Noun - Enthusiast:

1. As a comic book drooler, he rushed to the store to buy the latest issue as soon as it was released.

2. My friend is a dog drooler, and she can spend hours browsing through different breeds on the internet.

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