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Definitions from WordNet

Adjective downward-sloping has 1 sense
  1. declivitous, downhill, downward-sloping - sloping down rather steeply
    Antonym: ascending (indirect, via descending)

Definitions from the Web

Term: downward-sloping

Part of Speech: Adjective

Sense: Describing a surface, line, or direction that is sloping or inclining downwards.


  • The downward-sloping road made it difficult to ride a bicycle uphill.
  • The downward-sloping ski slope provided an exhilarating experience for the skiers.
  • In economics, a downward-sloping demand curve represents a decrease in quantity demanded as price increases.

Part of Speech: Noun

Sense: A line or curve that slopes downwards.


  • The graph of the function had a noticeable downward-sloping trend.
  • The architect designed the building with a beautiful downward-sloping roof.

Part of Speech: Adverb

Sense: Describing an action or movement that is directed or inclined downward.


  • The plane dived downward-sloping towards the landing strip.
  • The car sped downward-sloping down the hill.
  • The hiker carefully proceeded downward-sloping to avoid slipping.

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