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Downsized (adjective): Reduced in size, scale, or scope.

Downsized (verb): Past tense of downsize, which means to reduce the number of employees or members in an organization or group.


  • Sense 1: Reduced in physical size or dimensions.
  • Sense 2: Reduced in scale, amount, or extent.
  • Sense 3: Having fewer staff or members.


Popular Usage:

  • As an adjective: The downsized laptop is perfect for people who travel a lot.
  • As a verb: The company downsized its workforce due to economic difficulties.

Local Usage:

  • As an adjective: With the downsized portions, the new restaurant aims to offer healthier options.
  • As a verb: The school downsized the art club to focus on other activities.

Sample Sentences:


  1. The downsized refrigerator fits perfectly in my small kitchen.
  2. After the renovations, we moved into a downsized apartment.


  1. The company downsized its workforce to cut costs.
  2. Due to budget constraints, the university downsized several departments.

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