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douglas fairbanks jr.


Definitions from WordNet

Noun douglas fairbanks jr. has 1 sense
  1. Fairbanks, Douglas Fairbanks Jr. - United States film actor; son of Douglas Elton Fairbanks, (1909-2000)
    --1 is a kind of actor, histrion, player, thespian, role player

Definitions from the Web

Term: Douglas Fairbanks Jr.


Douglas Fairbanks Jr. was an American actor and producer who achieved fame during the Golden Age of Hollywood. He was known for his charming personality, athleticism, and dashing good looks. As the son of Douglas Fairbanks Sr., a prominent silent film actor, Fairbanks Jr. successfully carved his own path in the film industry and left a lasting impact.

Sample sentences:

  1. Douglas Fairbanks Jr.'s performances were marked by his undeniable talent and charisma.
  2. During the 1930s, Fairbanks Jr. starred in several swashbuckling adventure films, capturing the hearts of audiences worldwide.
  3. As a producer, Fairbanks Jr. brought forth compelling stories that resonated with diverse audiences.
  4. His autobiography, "Salad Days," provides a fascinating glimpse into Fairbanks Jr.'s life and career.

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