Definitions from WordNet
Noun dot matrix has 1 sense | ||||
Definitions from the WebTerm: Dot Matrix Definition: Dot matrix refers to a type of printing technology that uses a grid of tiny dots to create characters or images. It is commonly found in printers and displays, where each dot can be individually controlled to form text or graphics. Senses: 1. Noun: A type of computer printer or display that uses a dot matrix to produce characters or images. 2. Adjective: Describing a device, technology, or print output that employs dot matrix technology. Sample Sentences: 1. Noun: The dot matrix printer produced clear copies of the document. 2. Noun: The old dot matrix display screen showed limited graphics and characters. 3. Adjective: The dot matrix technology allows for cost-effective printing in certain applications. 4. Adjective: The vintage dot matrix printer produced noise as it printed each dot. Related Products: | ||||
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