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Noun (1):

A doozer refers to a hardworking and productive individual, especially in the context of a particular field or industry.

Sample Sentence:

John is a doozer when it comes to marketing; he always comes up with innovative strategies.

Noun (2):

In the TV show Fraggle Rock, a doozer is a small creature that constructs elaborate structures out of radish dust.

Sample Sentence:

The doozers diligently built their intricate architecture using the radish dust.

Link: Search for Fraggle Rock merchandise on Amazon

Noun (3):

Informally, a doozer can also refer to a difficult or perplexing situation or task.

Sample Sentence:

Fixing the broken car proved to be quite a doozer; it took hours to figure out what the issue was.

Link: Search for car repair tools on Amazon

Noun (4):

In slang, a doozer can be used to describe a remarkable or extraordinary event or thing.

Sample Sentence:

The concert last night was an absolute doozer; the band's performance was mind-blowing.

Link: Search for concert tickets on Amazon

Noun (5):

In some regions, particularly in Australia, a doozer is a term used to refer to a drinking binge or a heavy drinker.

Sample Sentence:

After a long week of work, the friends went out for a doozer at the local pub.

Link: Search for beer glasses on Amazon

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