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dominican mahogany


Definitions from WordNet

Noun dominican mahogany has 1 sense
  1. true mahogany, Cuban mahogany, Dominican mahogany, Swietinia mahogani - mahogany tree of West Indies
    --1 is a kind of mahogany, mahogany tree
    --1 is a member of Swietinia, genus Swietinia

Definitions from the Web

Dominican Mahogany


Dominican Mahogany refers to a specific type of wood that comes from the mahogany tree native to the Dominican Republic. It is renowned for its exceptional quality and is highly sought-after in woodworking and furniture making.


As a Noun (Type of Wood):

1. The exquisite beauty and durability of Dominican Mahogany make it a preferred choice for crafting elegant furniture pieces.

2. The rich reddish-brown hue of Dominican Mahogany adds warmth and sophistication to any interior setting.

As an Adjective (Related to Dominican Mahogany):

1. He proudly displayed his Dominican Mahogany armoire, showcasing its unique grain pattern and smooth finish.

2. The luxurious dining set was made from the finest Dominican Mahogany, providing a touch of opulence to the room.

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