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Definitions from WordNet

Verb domesticize has 1 sense
  1. domesticate, domesticize, domesticise, reclaim, tame - overcome the wildness of; make docile and tractable; "He tames lions for the circus"; "reclaim falcons"
    --1 is one way to change, alter, modify
    Sample sentences:
    Somebody ----s something
    Somebody ----s somebody

Definitions from the Web

Term: Domesticize


Transitive verb

(1) To tame or train a wild animal or plant species to adapt to a human environment.

(2) To make something or someone have domestic qualities or characteristics.

(3) To convert a foreign product, idea, or concept to be suitable or accepted within a local culture.

Sample Sentences:

(1) After years of careful training, the wildlife organization successfully domesticized a group of feral cats, making them suitable pets for adoption.

(2) The audience was captivated by the talented magician's ability to domesticize a pack of ferocious wolves, transforming them into obedient companions.

(3) The Interior Design Company aims to domesticize modern innovations, incorporating smart home technology seamlessly into their clients' living spaces.

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