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Dissention refers to a disagreement or strong difference of opinion, usually within a group or organization. It can involve individuals expressing opposing viewpoints or engaging in heated arguments.


Noun: Dissention is often used as a noun to describe the act or state of disagreeing or expressing differing opinions.

Verb: Dissention can also be used as a verb, meaning to disagree strongly with someone or to express a different opinion.


Popular: Dissention can be commonly observed in political debates, team projects, or any situation where people with distinct perspectives come together.

Local: Dissention within a small community might arise due to contentious local issues, such as zoning laws, property taxes, or proposed developments.

Sample Sentences:


  1. The meeting quickly turned into a shouting match as dissention among the members grew.
  2. The dissention among the employees about the new company policy led to a decline in morale.


  1. John dissented from the majority opinion during the team meeting, sparking a heated debate.
  2. Despite facing dissention from her colleagues, Jane firmly stood by her convictions.

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