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Definitions from WordNet

Noun discernability has 1 sense
  1. discernability, legibility - distinctness that makes perception easy
    --1 is a kind of distinctness, sharpness

Definitions from the Web



The quality or state of being able to distinguish or perceive differences between things.


  • Noun: The discernability of colors in dim light can be challenging.
  • Noun: The discernability of accents differs among regions.
  • Noun: Discernability is an important attribute for visual communication.
  • Noun: The discernability of patterns in data helps in data analysis.
  • Noun: The discernability of flavors in wine requires a refined palate.
  • Adjective: It is important to use high contrast colors for discernability purposes.
  • Adjective: The discernability test confirmed the accuracy of the results.
  • Adjective: The discernability chart helps in evaluating visual acuity.

Sample Sentences:

  1. The car's paint job lacked discernability as it was covered in dirt and grime.
  2. Even with her poor eyesight, she managed to read the small print due to the high discernability of the font.
  3. The study aimed to determine the discernability of emotions in facial expressions.
  4. In photography, adjusting the aperture can improve the discernability of details.
  5. Researchers conducted an experiment to analyze the discernability of different musical tones.

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