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disc pack


Definitions from WordNet

Noun disc pack has 1 sense
  1. disk pack, disc pack - (computer science) a portable pack of magnetic disks used in a disk storage device
    --1 is a kind of pack

Definitions from the Web

Term: Disc Pack


A disc pack refers to a collection of discs or compact discs used for various purposes. It can be used to store digital data, play music or movies, or as a means of software distribution.

Sample Sentences:

Noun (Singular):

  1. I bought a new disc pack with the latest video games.
  2. The disc pack contains all the documents related to the project.

Noun (Plural):

  1. She organized her disc packs alphabetically for easy access.
  2. The local library has an extensive collection of disc packs.


  1. The disc pack player is compatible with multiple formats.
  2. He prefers buying used disc pack movies to save money.


  1. She disc packed all her photos onto a single DVD.
  2. Before moving, he decided to disc pack his entire music collection.

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