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director decree


Definitions from the Web

Director Decree


A formal order or directive issued by the director of an organization or company, usually regarding an important decision or policy.

Example sentences:

  1. The director decree stated that all employees must attend the mandatory training session.
  2. According to the director decree, the project deadline has been extended by two weeks.
  3. Employees eagerly awaited the director decree on the new office policies.

Link to Amazon: Director Decree Products on Amazon



To officially order or direct as per the decision of the director.

Example sentences:

  1. The board of directors decreed the implementation of a new company-wide benefits program.
  2. She skillfully decreed the allocation of resources to the various departments.
  3. The director decreed that all upcoming meetings should be held remotely.

Link to Amazon: Director Skills Products on Amazon

directivos directly directlyfrom directness director-general director-level director-stockholder relation director director decree director general director of central intelligence director of research director s directora directorate directorate for inter-services intelligence directories

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