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Definitions from WordNet

Noun diminutiveness has 1 sense
  1. diminutiveness, minuteness, petiteness, tininess, weeness - the property of being very small in size
    --1 is a kind of smallness, littleness

Definitions from the Web



1. The quality or state of being small, tiny, or miniature in size.

Example sentences:

  1. Her diminutiveness makes her the perfect candidate for playing the role of a fairy in the play.
  2. Their house's diminutiveness allows them to save on living expenses.


2. The quality or characteristic of being treated as less important or significant.

Example sentences:

  1. Her diminutiveness in the workplace often leads to her opinions being overlooked.
  2. The diminutiveness of his contribution to the project did not diminish its value.


3. The quality or attribute of being cute or endearing due to smallness.

Example sentences:

  1. The diminutiveness of the puppy's paws melts everyone's heart.
  2. She uses her sweet voice and her diminutiveness to charm everyone around her.

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