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dig deep


Definitions from the Web

Dig Deep


  • Verb: To search thoroughly or in detail; to investigate or delve into something deeply.
  • Verb: To put in a great amount of effort or extra effort to achieve success.
  • Phrase: To reflect upon one's emotions, thoughts, or memories in a profound way.
  • Phrase: To reach deep within oneself to summon courage, determination, or mental strength.


  1. 1. As a journalist, it is important to dig deep to uncover the truth behind the story.
  2. 2. If you want to excel in your career, you need to dig deep and put in the extra hours of hard work and dedication.
  3. 3. After the breakup, she took some time to dig deep and reflect on what went wrong in their relationship.
  4. 4. In order to overcome his fears, he had to dig deep within himself and find the inner strength to face his challenges.

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