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Term: Diffirences


Diffirences is an erroneous form of the word "differences", commonly used in informal speech or writing. This misspelling typically occurs when the suffix -ces in "differences" is mistakenly replaced with -s.

Sense 1:

Noun: Plural form of "difference", referring to distinctions or variations between two or more things.

Example Sentences:

  1. The major diffirences between the two paintings are in their color schemes.
  2. There are noticeable diffirences in their communication styles.
  3. Can you spot the subtle diffirences between these two flower species?

Sense 2:

Verb: Third-person singular form of the verb "differ", meaning to be unlike or dissimilar.

Example Sentences:

  1. Her perspective diffirences from mine on this particular issue.
  2. Each individual diffirences in their approach to problem-solving.
  3. The opinions of the team members often diffirences, which leads to lively discussions.

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