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Difficult-to-decipher is an adjective used to describe something that is hard or challenging to understand or interpret.


Sense 1:

In its literal sense, difficult-to-decipher refers to text or symbols that are not easily readable or understandable.

Example: The ancient manuscript was written in a difficult-to-decipher language.

Sense 2:

In a figurative sense, difficult-to-decipher is used to describe abstract concepts or ideas that are complex or hard to grasp.

Example: The professor's lecture on quantum mechanics was difficult-to-decipher for most students.


Usage 1:

Difficult-to-decipher is often used to describe cryptic or enigmatic messages, codes, or puzzles that require significant effort and skill to unravel.

Example: The detective discovered a difficult-to-decipher code that held the key to solving the mystery.

Usage 2:

Difficult-to-decipher can also be used to refer to handwriting or characters that are illegible or hard to read.

Example: Sarah's doctor had a difficult-to-decipher signature on the prescription.

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