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Part of Speech: verb

Definition: To distinguish or identify the differences between two or more things.

Sense 1:

Usage: In its most common usage, "differenciate" means to discern or recognize the dissimilarities between objects or concepts.

Example sentences:

  • It is essential to carefully differenciate between real and fake news.
  • Can you differenciate the flavors in this dish?
  • She found it challenging to differenciate between the twins.

Related products on Amazon: Differentiation Books

Sense 2:

Usage: In a technical or scientific context, "differenciate" can mean to determine or specify the unique characteristics of a particular item or phenomenon.

Example sentences:

  • The lab is working to differenciate the various species of insects found in the region.
  • The expert was able to differenciate the original painting from the forgery.
  • Students are taught how to differenciate the different rock formations in geology class.

Related products on Amazon: Scientific Differentiation Tools

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