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Noun: (1) A surname of German origin, literally meaning "thick stone." (2) A fictional character in the popular novel "The Dickstein Chronicles." (3) A musical instrument comprised of three interconnected stones, played by striking them together. (4) Slang: A humorous term referring to someone with an extremely hard head.

Related products: Dickstein: A Memoir, The Dickstein Chronicles, Stone Musical Instrument


  • Sense 1: The surname "Dickstein" can be traced back to its German origins.
    Example sentence: Jacob Dickstein was proud of his family heritage.
  • Sense 2: In the thrilling adventure novel "The Dickstein Chronicles," the protagonist, Daniel Dickstein, embarks on a quest to save the world.
    Example sentence: The readers eagerly awaited the release of the latest installment in The Dickstein Chronicles series.
  • Sense 3: The unique musical instrument known as the dickstein creates mesmerizing tones when its stones collide.
    Example sentence: The musician played haunting melodies on the dickstein during the concert.
  • Sense 4: Don't argue with him, he's a real dickstein!
    Example sentence: Despite multiple attempts at reasoning, Joe proved to be an unyielding dickstein in negotiations.
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