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Term: Deviod


Deviod, a non-standard variant of the word 'devoid', typically means completely empty or lacking something. This term is commonly used in informal contexts.

Possible Senses:

Sense 1:

Adjective: Empty; completely lacking.

Example sentence: The abandoned house appeared deviod of any signs of life.

Sense 2:

Verb: To strip or remove completely.

Example sentence: The thieves devioded the house of all valuable belongings.

Possible Usages:

Usage 1:

Local: In local colloquial language, deviod is used interchangeably with devoid.

Example sentence: The local dialect often uses the term deviod to describe empty spaces.

Usage 2:

Popular: Deviod has gained popularity among internet users due to its unique spelling.

Example sentence: The meme went viral with the caption "My bank account is deviod of funds after the weekend shopping spree!"

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