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develop flim


Definitions from the Web

Term: Develop Flim

Part of Speech: Verb

Definition: To process photographic film in order to produce negatives or positives of images

Sense 1: To process photographic film to create negatives for printing photographs

Example sentence 1: After capturing some amazing shots, I went to the darkroom to develop the film.

Example sentence 2: The photographer spent hours developing the film to ensure the best quality prints.

Sense 2: To process photographic film to create positive images for projection or display

Example sentence 1: The movie theater received the reels and had to promptly develop the film before the premiere.

Example sentence 2: The lab technician skillfully developed the film, turning it into stunning images for the art exhibition.

Part of Speech: Noun

Definition: Photographic film in the process of being developed

Sense 1: The thin plastic or celluloid strip coated with a photosensitive material

Example sentence 1: The photographer examined the develop flim carefully to spot any imperfections.

Example sentence 2: She carefully loaded the camera with a fresh roll of develop flim before heading out to shoot.

Sense 2: A collection of images captured on photographic film

Example sentence 1: The exhibit showcased a series of breathtaking landscapes captured on develop flim from around the world.

Example sentence 2: As technology advances, fewer people are using develop flim to document their memories.

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