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descending node


Definitions from WordNet

Noun descending node has 1 sense
  1. descending node - the point at which an orbit crosses the ecliptic plane going south
    --1 is a kind of
    Antonyms: ascending node

Definitions from the Web

Descending Node

Definition: In celestial mechanics, the descending node is the point at which an orbit crosses from north of the reference plane to south of the plane.

Part of Speech: Noun


  • Astronomy: The point in an orbit of a celestial body where it crosses the plane of reference, moving from north to south of the reference plane.

Sample Sentences:

  1. The descending node of Earth's orbit is the point at which it moves from north to south relative to the ecliptic.
  2. The spacecraft passed through the descending node of the planet's trajectory as it transitioned from one hemisphere to the other.

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