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Definitions from the Web

Term: degise

Part of Speech: Noun

Sense: Popular

Definition: Degise refers to a fancy dress or costume worn as a disguise, typically used for parties, events, or theatrical performances.

Sample Sentence: She wore a beautiful degise to the masquerade ball, hiding her true identity behind an intricately designed mask.

Sense: Local

Definition: In certain regions, degise is a colloquial term for a change of clothes or outfit.

Sample Sentence: I need to go home and degise before the dinner party; I can't wear the same clothes I wore to work all day.

Part of Speech: Verb

Sense: Popular

Definition: When used as a verb, degise means to change one's appearance, either physically or through the use of costumes or disguises.

Sample Sentence: The spy skillfully degised himself as a waiter to gather intel from the high-profile event.

Sense: Local

Definition: In certain areas, degise is a slang term for altering or modifying something.

Sample Sentence: He managed to degise the broken chair with duct tape, making it look presentable again.

Related Products:

Find various degises for parties and events on Amazon: Degise Costumes

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