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Defaecete is a rare and archaic term with various meanings across different contexts. Its root is derived from Latin, and it is typically used in biological and medical fields.

Parts of Speech:

  • Noun
  • Verb



1. (Biology) A microscopic organism found in the gastrointestinal tract.

2. (Medicine) A medical reference to hardened fecal matter that is difficult to pass.


1. (Medical) The act of expelling hardened fecal matter from the body.

2. (Figurative) To eliminate or get rid of an undesirable situation or influence.

Sample Sentences:


1. The researchers discovered an unknown species of defaecete in the intestines of the newly discovered deep-sea fish.

2. The presence of defaecetes in the patient's stool sample indicated a possible gastrointestinal infection.


1. The patient struggled to defaecete the hardened feces, requiring medical intervention.

2. The government implemented new policies to defaecete corruption in the financial sector.

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