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deep cervical vein


Definitions from WordNet

Noun deep cervical vein has 1 sense
  1. cervical vein, deep cervical vein, vena cervicalis profunda - a vein that accompanies an artery of the same name
    --1 is a kind of vein, vena, venous blood vessel

Definitions from the Web

Deep Cervical Vein


The deep cervical vein is a blood vessel that runs through the deep tissues of the neck, primarily draining the muscles and structures of the cervical region.

Sense 1 (Noun):

The deep cervical vein is an important anatomical feature of the neck, responsible for carrying deoxygenated blood from the neck muscles and structures to the heart.

Example sentence: The deep cervical vein drains blood from the neck muscles and transports it back to the heart.

Sense 2 (Noun):

The deep cervical vein can also refer to any of the several specific veins within the neck region that are part of the deep cervical venous system.

Example sentence: One of the prominent deep cervical veins is the external jugular vein.

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