Definitions from WordNet
Noun decortication has 1 sense | ||||
Definitions from the WebDecorticationNoun: 1. The surgical removal of the outer layer or covering of an organ, such as the brain or lung. Example sentence: The patient with severe brain injury underwent a decortication procedure to relieve pressure on the damaged tissue. 2. The process of removing the bark or outer covering from plants, typically for medicinal or industrial purposes. Example sentence: Decortication of medicinal herbs is important for extracting active compounds used in traditional medicine. Verb: 1. To remove the cortex or outer layer of an organ or structure. Example sentence: The surgeon decorticated the lung to access and remove the cancerous tissues. 2. To remove the bark or outer covering from plants or trees. Example sentence: The villagers practiced decortication of tree barks to make rope and other useful materials. | ||||
decorator decord decorded decore decorous decorously decorousness decorticate decortication decorum decorun decorus decosgentant decouate decoupage decouple decoupled