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decomposition reaction


Definitions from WordNet

Noun decomposition reaction has 1 sense
  1. decomposition, decomposition reaction - (chemistry) separation of a substance into two or more substances that may differ from each other and from the original substance
    --1 is a kind of chemical reaction, reaction

Definitions from the Web

Decomposition Reaction - Definition and Examples


A decomposition reaction, also known as analysis or disintegration, refers to a chemical reaction in which a compound breaks down into two or more simpler substances. This reaction occurs when the initial compound is exposed to heat, light, electricity, or other suitable conditions, leading to its decomposition.

Senses and Usages

1. Chemistry Sense:

In the field of chemistry, decomposition reactions play a vital role in understanding the breakdown and transformation of various chemical compounds. These reactions are considered fundamental for studying the behavior of substances under specific conditions.

Example Sentence: The decomposition reaction of water (H2O) into hydrogen (H2) and oxygen (O2) can be observed through the process of electrolysis.

2. Biological Sense:

Decomposition reactions also occur in biological systems. In this context, decomposition refers to the breaking down of organic matter into simpler substances such as minerals, gases, and other organic compounds. This process is an essential part of the natural cycle of life and an integral aspect of ecosystems.

Example Sentence: Bacteria and fungi play a crucial role in the decomposition reaction of dead plants and animals, facilitating the release of nutrients back into the environment.

3. Environmental Sense:

In environmental science, decomposition reactions are significant for waste management and the treatment of pollutants. These reactions help in breaking down hazardous substances into less harmful compounds or elements, aiding in the detoxification and decontamination of various waste materials.

Example Sentence: The decomposition reaction of organic pollutants in soil requires the presence of specific microorganisms and environmental conditions to ensure effective degradation.

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