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Definitions from the Web

Term: decete

Part of Speech: Verb

Definition: To deceive or trick someone, typically by concealing the truth or providing false information.

Example Sentence: The salesman deceted the customer by falsely claiming the product had numerous benefits.

Part of Speech: Noun

Definition: An act or instance of deceiving someone.

Example Sentence: The politician's decete was uncovered by a investigative journalist.

Part of Speech: Adjective

Definition: Describing something that is deceptive or misleading.

Example Sentence: She quickly saw through his deceteful smile and knew he couldn't be trusted.

Part of Speech: Noun (Local)

Definition: A small village or town that is not widely known or visited.

Example Sentence: We decided to spend our vacation in a charming decete nestled in the hills of Tuscany.

Part of Speech: Adjective (Popular)

Definition: Representing something that is trendy, fashionable, or widely loved by people.

Example Sentence: The new clothing brand quickly became decete, with celebrities and influencers endorsing its products.

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