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Part of speech: adjective

Sense: extremely loud or noisy, causing temporary or permanent hearing loss

Example sentence 1: The deafening thunderclap startled everyone in the room.

Example sentence 2: The concert was so deafening that I had to cover my ears.

Part of speech: verb

Sense: making someone unable to hear, typically by a loud noise or overwhelming sound

Example sentence 1: The explosion deafened him, leaving him with ringing ears.

Example sentence 2: The applause from the crowd deafened the actor on stage.

Part of speech: adverb

Sense: describing something done in a loud or overwhelming manner

Example sentence 1: The music boomed deafeningly throughout the entire house.

Example sentence 2: The alarm rang deafeningly, waking up the whole neighborhood.

Part of speech: noun

Sense: the act of making extremely loud sounds

Example sentence 1: The deafening of the cannons marked the beginning of the festival.

Example sentence 2: The construction work caused constant deafening in the area.

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