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Term: Dead-End Street
A dead-end street, also referred to as a cul-de-sac, is a road or street that has no outlet at one end, often terminating in a circular or loop-like shape. It is a closed-off road, meaning it does not continue through to another destination.
- Noun: A street or road with no outlet; a cul-de-sac.
- Residential Dead-End: Dead-end streets are commonly found in residential areas to provide a sense of tranquility and minimize through traffic.
- Navigation: Dead-end streets can sometimes pose challenges for navigation systems, as drivers may need to retrace their route to find an alternate path.
- Playgrounds: Dead-end streets often serve as safe spaces for children to play due to limited vehicle access.
- Exploration: Walking or biking along dead-end streets can lead to the discovery of hidden gems or scenic areas.
Sample Sentences:
- Our new house is located on a peaceful dead-end street.
- The GPS kept directing us towards dead-end streets, causing frustration during our road trip.
- The children enjoyed riding their bicycles on the dead-end street near their home.
- We decided to explore the dead-end street, and it led us to a beautiful park.
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