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day of


Definitions from the Web

Day Of


"Day of" is a prepositional phrase used to refer to a specific day or date. It can be used to describe a particular event, celebration, or occurrence that takes place on a specific day.

Possible Parts of Speech:

  • Prepositional phrase

Senses and Usages:

Sense 1:

Usage: Referring to a specific day or date.

Example sentence: The day of our wedding is approaching; we're so excited!

Sense 2:

Usage: Describing a particular event or celebration.

Example sentence: The day of the carnival is always filled with joy and excitement.

Sense 3:

Usage: Indicating the occurrence of an important moment or milestone on a specific day.

Example sentence: Today is the day of her graduation; it's a proud moment for the whole family.

Possible Related Products:

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