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data conversion


Definitions from WordNet

Noun data conversion has 1 sense
  1. data conversion - conversion from one way of encoding data to another way
    --1 is a kind of

Definitions from the Web

Data Conversion

Description: Data conversion refers to the process of transforming data from one format, type, or structure to another. It involves converting data from its original form into a compatible format that can be accessed, understood, and used by different systems or applications.

Sense 1 (Noun): In the field of information technology, data conversion commonly refers to the conversion of data from one file format to another. This can include the conversion of files such as documents, images, audio, or video files into different formats.

Sample Sentence: The company implemented a data conversion system to convert all their paper documents into digital files for better organization and accessibility.

Sense 2 (Noun): Data conversion can also relate to the process of converting data from a physical form, such as a hard copy or printed document, into a digital format that can be stored and manipulated electronically.

Sample Sentence: The archivist spent months on data conversion, carefully scanning and digitizing thousands of historical photographs from the museum's collection.

Sense 3 (Noun): In the context of computer science, data conversion refers to the transformation of data from one data type to another, ensuring compatibility and proper handling within a program or algorithm.

Sample Sentence: The programmer wrote a function for data conversion to convert the user's input from a string to an integer, enabling accurate calculations.

Sense 4 (Noun): Data conversion also applies to the process of converting data from one system or software to another, often during a software migration or integration.

Sample Sentence: The IT team faced numerous challenges during the data conversion phase while transferring the company's customer database from the old CRM system to the new one.

Sense 5 (Noun): In the field of telecommunications, data conversion involves converting analog signals into digital signals and vice versa, facilitating the transmission and reception of data.

Sample Sentence: The modem's primary function is data conversion, converting digital data from the computer into analog signals and transmitting them over the telephone line.

Sense 6 (Noun): Data conversion can also refer to the process of converting data from one data structure to another, such as transforming a flat file into a database table or vice versa.

Sample Sentence: The data analyst performed data conversion to convert the raw data from the CSV file into a structured format suitable for analysis in a relational database.

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