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Daruma is a traditional Japanese folk doll that symbolizes perseverance and good luck. The doll is typically small and round, with a distinctive shape and design. It is commonly made of papier-mâché and is hollow inside.



  1. The traditional Japanese folk doll, often used to set goals and wish for good fortune.


1. Many people in Japan use daruma dolls to set goals and make wishes at the beginning of a new year.

2. The daruma is often seen as a symbol of resilience and determination.

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Sample Sentences:

1. Sarah received a daruma from her friend as a good luck charm.

2. The daruma's empty eyes symbolize the blank slate of setting new goals.

3. He bought a daruma doll and placed it on his desk to remind him of his aspirations.

4. The local museum had a display showcasing various historic daruma dolls.

5. Every time she achieves a goal, she fills in one of the daruma's eyes with a marker.

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