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A dactylogram refers to an imprint or mark made by a fingerprint, especially used for identification purposes.

Sample Sentence: The detective carefully examined the dactylogram left at the crime scene to determine the identity of the suspect.

Related Products on Amazon: Fingerprint Kit, Fingerprint Recognition Device


Dactylogram, as an adjective, describes something related to fingerprints or fingerprint identification.

Sample Sentence: The investigators used dactylogram analysis to match the suspect's fingerprints with those found at the crime scene.

Related Products on Amazon: Fingerprint Analysis Kit, Fingerprint Forensic Supplies


As a verb, dactylogram denotes the act of obtaining and recording fingerprints.

Sample Sentence: The police officer carefully dactylogrammed the suspect to gather evidence for further investigation.

Related Products on Amazon: Fingerprint Ink Pad, Fingerprint Scanner

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