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Cyberviolence refers to any form of violent behavior, aggression, harassment, or abuse that occurs online involving the use of digital technologies such as social media, email, messaging platforms, or other online platforms.


1. Noun - Acts of Cyberviolence:
  • She was a victim of cyberviolence when anonymous individuals sent her threatening messages on social media.
  • Cyberviolence can have severe psychological effects on individuals subjected to online bullying.
2. Adjective - Cyberviolence Awareness:
  • The organization aims to raise cyberviolence awareness and educate people about safe online practices.
  • She is an advocate for cyberviolence prevention and works tirelessly to combat online harassment.
3. Verb - Cyberviolence Prevention:
  • Parents should actively engage with their children to prevent them from engaging in cyberviolence.
  • Law enforcement agencies are taking steps to combat cyberviolence through stricter online regulations.
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