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Definitions from WordNet

Noun cs has 1 sense
  1. cesium, caesium, Cs, atomic number 55 - a soft silver-white ductile metallic element (liquid at normal temperatures); the most electropositive and alkaline metal
    --1 is a kind of metallic element, metal
    --1 is a substance of pollucite
    --1 has particulars: cesium 137

Definitions from the Web



  1. Abbreviation for "computer science," a branch of study that deals with the theory and applications of computers.

    Sample sentence: In the CS program, students learn about algorithms, programming languages, and software development.

  2. Abbreviation for "customer service," referring to the assistance and support provided to customers by a company.

    Sample sentence: The company's CS team promptly addressed all inquiries and concerns raised by the customers.

  3. Abbreviation for "cable television," a method of transmitting television programming to subscribers by means of coaxial cables.

    Sample sentence: I canceled my satellite TV subscription and switched to CS to get a wider variety of channels.

  4. Abbreviation for "courtship," the period when two people get to know each other with the intention of entering a romantic relationship.

    Sample sentence: They had a brief CS before deciding to go on a date.


  1. Abbreviation for "Czechoslovakian," relating to or originating from Czechoslovakia.

    Sample sentence: She proudly displayed her collection of CS artwork.

  2. Abbreviation for "computerized," referring to a system or process that uses computers.

    Sample sentence: The CS inventory management system greatly improved efficiency in the warehouse.

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