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crenate leaf


Definitions from WordNet

Noun crenate leaf has 1 sense
  1. crenate leaf - a leaf having a scalloped margin
    --1 is a kind of
    leaf, leafage, foliage

Definitions from the Web

Crenate Leaf

A crenate leaf refers to a type of leaf margin that is characterized by shallow, rounded teeth or lobes along the edge of the leaf. These teeth are evenly spaced and have a scalloped appearance.

Senses and Usages:

Noun - Botany:

In botany, a crenate leaf is a leaf with a margin that bears rounded teeth or lobes, which give it a wavy or scalloped appearance. This type of leaf margin is commonly found in plants like hydrangeas and maples.

For example:

- The crenate leaves of the Japanese Maple add an ornamental touch to the garden.

- The crenate margins of the hydrangea leaves create an interesting texture.

Noun - Biology:

In biology, a crenate leaf refers to a leaf structure that exhibits a crenate margin. This distinct leaf adaptation helps plants regulate transpiration and reduce water loss, particularly in arid environments.

For example:

- The crenate leaves of desert plants such as the cactus help them conserve water.

- The crenate leaf structure assists in reducing moisture loss in succulent plants.

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