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Definitions from WordNet

Adjective creditworthy has 1 sense
  1. creditworthy, responsible - having an acceptable credit rating; "a responsible borrower"
    Antonyms: untrustworthy, untrusty (indirect, via trustworthy)

Definitions from the Web


Creditworthy is an adjective used to describe an individual, business, or organization that is deemed financially reliable and likely to repay borrowed money or meet financial obligations.

In a broader sense, creditworthy also refers to the overall trustworthiness or reliability of a person or entity in terms of their financial commitments.

Senses and Usages:
  1. Sense 1: Describing Financial Reliability
    • "The bank approved the loan application as the borrower demonstrated a long history of being creditworthy."
    • "Before granting any credit, the credit card company assesses the applicant's creditworthiness based on their credit score and payment history."
    • "Being creditworthy increases the chances of obtaining favorable terms and low-interest rates when applying for a mortgage."
  2. Sense 2: Referring to General Trustworthiness
    • "When doing business with new clients, it is important to evaluate their creditworthiness to mitigate any potential financial risks."
    • "A person who maintains a good credit score, pays bills on time, and manages their finances responsibly is generally considered creditworthy."
    • "Investors often rely on credit ratings to determine the creditworthiness of companies before investing their funds."
  3. Sense 3 (Local Usage): Specific regional reference or slang
    • "In our small town, being creditworthy means having a solid reputation and being known for repaying debts promptly."
    • "Local banks provide special incentives and benefits to creditworthy customers within their community."
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