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Credals refer to beliefs or doctrines that are expressed in the form of creeds or statements of faith. These statements summarize the essential principles or tenets upheld by a particular religious or philosophical group.

Senses and Usages:

1. Noun (Plural):

Beliefs or doctrines expressed through creeds or statements of faith.

Sample Sentence: The church leaders gathered to discuss the modification of the credals to reflect the evolving values of their congregation.

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2. Adjective:

Relating to the expression of beliefs through creeds or statements of faith.

Sample Sentence: The theological conference focused on the examination of various credals practices among different denominations.

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3. Adjective:

Popular or widely accepted by a particular group or community.

Sample Sentence: The credals teachings of that spiritual leader gained traction and became the cornerstone of the local religious community.

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4. Adjective:

Known or practiced primarily within a specific locality or region.

Sample Sentence: The credals song, traditionally sung during local festivals, embodies the cultural heritage of our town.

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