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Noun coyote has 3 senses
  1. coyote, prairie wolf, brush wolf, Canis latrans - small wolf native to western North America
    --1 is a kind of wolf
    --1 has particulars: coydog
  2. coyote - someone who smuggles illegal immigrants into the United States (usually acress the Mexican border)
    --2 is a kind of
    smuggler, runner, contrabandist, moon curser, moon-curser
  3. coyote - a forest fire fighter who is sent to battle remote and severe forest fires (often for days at a time)
    --3 is a kind of
    fire warden, forest fire fighter, ranger
coyness coyol coyol palm coyote coyote brush coyote bush coyote melon coyote state coyotes coypu coz cozen cozen antonymns cozenage cozened cozey cozie

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