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cowboy boot


Definitions from WordNet

Noun cowboy boot has 1 sense
  1. cowboy boot, cowboy boots - a boot with a high arch and fancy stitching; worn by American cowboys
    --1 is a kind of boot

Definitions from the Web

Cowboy Boot

A cowboy boot is a type of footwear traditionally worn by cowboys and cowgirls. It typically has a high shaft, a pointed toe, and a Cuban heel. Cowboy boots are designed to be durable and comfortable for horseback riding and working on ranches.


As a Noun:

  1. She picked up her new cowboy boots before heading to the rodeo.
  2. Those cowboy boots are perfect for line dancing.

As a Verb:

  1. He loves to cowboy boot when he's feeling confident.
  2. They wanted to cowboy boot their style for the western-themed party.

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