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could have


Definitions from the Web

Term: Could Have


Modal verb phrase

A phrase used to express a hypothetical or unrealized possibility in the past. It refers to something that was possible or achievable, but did not happen.


Sense 1:

A missed opportunity or regret

Example sentence: She could have won the race if she hadn't fallen.

Sense 2:

A polite suggestion or request

Example sentence: Could you have the report ready by tomorrow?

Sense 3:

Conditional statement

Example sentence: If she had studied harder, she could have passed the exam.

Sense 4:

Indicating past abilities or capabilities

Example sentence: Thomas could have played the piano when he was younger.


The phrase "could have" is commonly used in spoken and written English to discuss past possibilities, regrets, or conditional statements. It is a versatile phrase that can convey various meanings depending on the context.

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