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Term: Controversial


The term "controversial" refers to something that causes or involves disagreement, argument, or conflicting opinions among people. It is often used to describe a topic, issue, or subject that is divisive and elicits strong opposing viewpoints.

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Senses and Usages:

  1. Adjective - Causing Disagreement:

    Example Sentence: The politician's comments on immigration were highly controversial and sparked heated debates among the citizens.

  2. Noun - A Controversial Topic or Issue:

    Example Sentence: The controversial surrounding climate change has been a subject of intense discussions among scientists and policymakers.

  3. Adverb - In a Controversial Manner:

    Example Sentence: The artist's latest exhibition is controversially displayed, challenging traditional artistic conventions.

  4. Verb - Causing Disagreement or Debate:

    Example Sentence: The controversial decision to build a new shopping mall in the neighborhood has divided the community.

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