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coryphaena hippurus


Definitions from WordNet

Noun coryphaena hippurus has 1 sense
  1. Coryphaena hippurus - the more common dolphinfish valued as food; about six feet long
    --1 is a kind of
    dolphinfish, dolphin, mahimahi

Definitions from the Web

Coryphaena hippurus

Part of Speech: Noun

Sense: A species of fish commonly known as Mahi-Mahi or Dorado.


  1. The coryphaena hippurus is a highly prized game fish due to its vibrant colors and acrobatic behavior.
  2. The restaurant served a delicious grilled coryphaena hippurus, topped with a tropical fruit salsa.
  3. Scientists are conducting research on the migration patterns of coryphaena hippurus in the Pacific Ocean.

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