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coquilla nut


Definitions from WordNet

Noun coquilla nut has 1 sense
  1. coquilla nut - nut having a hard hazel-brown shell used like vegetable ivory
    --1 is a kind of
    --1 is a part of
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Definitions from the Web

Coquilla Nut


The Coquilla Nut is a small, oval-shaped nut derived from the fruit of the coquilla tree. It has a hard and durable shell with a smooth texture and a range of colors from light brown to dark brown. The nut is widely used for various purposes, including handicrafts, ornamental creations, and as a source of edible oil.

Sample Sentences:

  • The craftsman carved intricate patterns on the coquilla nut to create a beautiful necklace pendant.
  • I purchased a coquilla nut bowl as a souvenir from the local artisan market.
  • The oil extracted from coquilla nuts is often used in the production of cosmetics and skincare products.

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